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Who is Jesus?

Watch this video to hear the greatest news in all of history. 

Who is Jesus?

In this video, Lead Pastor Chris Meads tackles the profound question "Who Is Jesus?" by delving into the biblical account of Jesus' identity and purpose.

For millennia, there has been controversy surrounding who Jesus truly is. The core belief of the Christian faith is that Jesus is the Son of God, sent to earth to "seek and save the lost" from the state of sin that separates humanity from God.

Sin is the human condition of choosing ourselves over God and rebelling against His ways. Because God is perfect and just, sin earns eternal separation from Him in hell. However, God showed rich mercy by sending His Son Jesus to become human, live a sinless life, and then sacrifice Himself on the cross to bear the punishment for sin.

Three days later, Jesus rose from the grave, appeared to many, and ascended to heaven as King over all. Through Jesus' victory, we are offered complete forgiveness and new life by turning away from sin and toward faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior.

The Bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. Jesus invites you to come to Him today for the life that he offers and to turn away from your sin. If you want this, you can simply pray and ask God "Lord, I know that I need you. I want to be saved from sin. I want to have a life in Jesus. Forgive me. Change my heart. Give me a new life."

If it's in your heart to follow Jesus, you don't have to do it alone. We would love to meet you and walk alongside you, so please don't hesitate to reach out to us by filling out the form below. Will you come to Jesus for life today?

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